| We met in 2007, our two boys went to Pre-school together. Chuck E Cheese is where we first met and instantly clicked as friends. With so much in common, we started to spend time with the two of our families. As time went on we both grew feelings for each other, our talks of our life as single parents, raising our children, our goals, our faith, our passions and so much more, made us see each other in a whole new way. On March 15, 2008, we attended a party together without the children for the second time and that night he asked me to be his.
As the years progressed we moved in with one another to join our families. In 2011 we decided to have a child of our own, after a week or so of trying, we put a hold to all of it due to a torn ACL that we had to deal with first. On October 29, 2011 after a football mitey mite bowl for our boys, with Chris as the head coach and myself as the team mom. We were in front of all the boys getting cheers for doing a great job, and being praised for being a great team mom. I turn around to Chris down on one knee with a ring in his hands. Cheering went in a uproar, he smiled, I said yes and cried. It was a moment that we will remember forever!! The perfect proposal!!
On November 1, 2011, 3 days after the proposal, we were watching a movie. I didn't feel right so headed upstairs to the bathroom. Thought of the pregnancy test we had bought when we were trying for a baby. I decided to take it, as I was sitting there waiting for the results, Chris walks in, the two lines appear, I jump up an say "I'm pregnant" he gets a huge smile, high fives and hugs me!! That is the start to our engagement and new chapter in our life as a family. We would never change how anything happened. We are very blessed.
Now we are on a journey to start another amazing chapter on our life as husband and wife, we are so excited to see where God takes us from here!! |