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The Weddingmoon
The Couple
Our Story

Jon and I became friends, great friends, in 2010 and from then on we became inseparable. The respectable and amazing qualities I see in my dad I also see in Jon as well, which makes me adore him even more. He has always been such a hard worker and devoted to our family. Jon's support and affection are just a couple of qualities I love about him. He always does his best to keep me happy and is always surprising me. He has so many wonderful things about him that made me fall in love with him, but what put the icing on the future wedding cake was seeing how he interacted with my daugter, Davina.

 Jon first met Davina when she was only 5 years old and they hit it off immediatly. He has always treated her with love and respect and has always been devoted to being a good father to her. She loves him dearly and has always seen him as her dad. Despite my always telling him: "You're going to spoil her because you never tell her no."  I couldn't be more proud of their relationship. Jon is an amazing dad, my very best friend and I know that he will be a wonderful husband. Every day I feel truly blessed that I can spend the rest of my life with him and everday I love him more and more.



 From the moment I saw Veronica I said "I've got to have her!"  So here we are, years later and she happily said YES! Veronica always puts a smile on my face and makes me feel like a king. I believe the way she makes me feel is what has made me able to accomplish so much in my life.
When I have a rough day at work she makes it feel so "minor" when I get home. She listens when I need to talk and can comfort me when I feel down. She loves and respects me and  always makes me feel at home no matter where I am. I know she is my soul mate!

We both love many of the same things movies, food, vacations, and the St. Louis Cardinals. Veronica not only takes good care of me but also of my daughter Tiana.
Tiana is able to open up to Veronica and tell her stuff that she won't tell me and thank God for that, because I probably don't want to know half of it:)

Veronica is so loved by my family. They always ask about her and I sometimes wonder if they prefer her to me. But, I can't blame them she is an amazingly beautiful  woman inside and out. The day she said "yes" to my proposal made me the happiest man on the planet. She is kind, easy to talk to, and the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. I love knowing that she will be there by my side for eternity. Veronica is a great partner, mother, friend and most of all, a wonderful wife to be.